There are plenty of strange quests you can pick up while exploring the various planets in Starfield. Sometimes, you might get an objective that has no explanation, and it could leave you confused. During the quest Into the Unknown, you will get a strange objective to follow the distortions on the scanner. There is no hint on what you need to do and how to find the distortions. While it can get a bit overwhelming, we have you covered on what you should do. In this guide we will see how to follow the distortions on the scanner in Starfield.
Starfield – How to Follow Distortions on the Scanner
Some quest objectives don’t give hints on how to complete them. Here we will see how to follow distortions on the scanner in Starfield.
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Make your way to Procyon III to find the distortions on your scanner. To do this, hold up your hand scanner and slowly move the scanner around the area. While doing that, keep an eye on the white circle. It will soon start glitching and you can see gaps forming on the circle. Move forward in the direction of the glitch and keep an eye on the circle. The closer you get to the target location, the frequency of the glitch will increase.
Another thing that would help you follow the distortions is to listen. You can hear an eerie frequency while the scanner is distorted, and if you move away from the distortion you won’t hear it. Now all you need to do is keep moving as long as the distortion is present on your scanner. If you need to know where it will take you, you will eventually reach the entrance to Temple Eta.
Investigate the source of the anomaly

To investigate the source of the anomaly inside the temple, you need to fly towards the balls of light gathered around the structure. First activate the structure, then look around to find particles of light gathered in a particular location. Fly towards them, then they will gather in a different location. Fly towards them again and repeat the process a couple of times till the structure gains momentum and unlocks a portal. The rest of the questline is pretty straightforward, so go ahead and complete the Into the Unknown quest.
That’s all there is to know about following the distortions on the scanner in Starfield. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.