Like most FPS games, you can get valuable loot by finding chests and unlocking them. But in High on Life, there is a different technique for unlocking chests. When you first come across a Luglox chest, you cannot open it till you get the right equipment. In this guide, we will see how to open Luglox chests in High on Life.
High On Life – How to Open Luglox Chests
Luglox chests contain valuable items like Pesos and equipment, but to open them you need a unique item. Here we will see how to open Luglox chests in High on Life.
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To open Luglox chests, you need to get Knifey, a talking knife. Knifey is one of the weapons you will acquire in the game, and you can easily get it towards the end of the first bounty hunt mission. After meeting up with Gene Zaroothian and receiving the Bounty Hunter Suit, head over to Blim City to defeat 9-Torg. But before you enter the area where 9-Torg is, you need to find a room full of alien ants. They will be sitting around a table, and on that table is Knifey.

Now that you have Knifey, you can open up all the Luglox chests you come across. To open the chest, you just have to stab it by pressing down on the right stick while holding Knifey. Besides stabbing enemies and chests, you can also use Knifey to hold on to hook bugs and magnetic items by pressing the LB button on your controller.
That’s all there is to know about opening Luglox chests in High on Life. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.