While completing heists in Payday 3, you have to find codes and unlock doors to make progress. Oftentimes you have to find keycards to unlock various doors, but the location of the keycards are not specified. If you are lucky, you might bump into them by chance, or else you have to scavenge through every office or check every guard to get it. In this guide we will see how to get the blue keycard in Payday 3 Gold and Sharke.
Payday 3 – Gold and Sharke Blue Keycard Location
There are a few ways you can locate the blue keycard during your heist in Gold and Sharke. Here we will see how to get the blue keycard in Payday 3.
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The blue keycard spawns randomly after gaining access to the upper floors of Gold and Sharke. One sure way of finding the blue keycard is to check the back belts of the manager walking around the upper floor. You can spot the manager wearing a dark suit, and if you check behind him you will find the keycard. If playing in stealth, you can quickly snatch it from behind him, or kill him and get the keycard if playing loud. If you cannot find the manager, then try to get the code to the vault first then check the upper floors. He is usually seen walking around the corridors, so have a look.

Sometimes, the blue keycard will also spawn in one of the offices on the upper floor. The offices won’t have any signboard outside to signify the room, so you have to lockpick any office door you come across and get inside. Usually the blue keycard can be found on the desk, so snatch it and get out of there before anyone sees you.

That’s all there is to know about getting the blue keycard in Payday 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.