Playing Pokemon games without catching Pokemon is impossible. One of the most popular Nintendo series is the Pokemon Series, and players enjoy catching and fighting with Pokemon during their journey through the games. Similarly, during their journey through Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players get lots of Pokemon to collect, and Bronzor is one among them.
If you haven’t yet got Bronzor in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, this guide will help you with their locations in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Bronzor Location Guide- Where to Find?
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were released only three days back, and players have already jumped into the game to explore the world Nintendo has prepared for them. The more you explore the world, the more you get different types of Pokemon. Bronzor is a small round Steel/Psychic type Pokemon that players need to capture if they want to complete their Pokedex.
Fortunately, Bronzor is not a rare spawn and can be found plenty in the ruins of the Paldea region. If you check the Pokedex description of Bronzor, it’s clearly written that it lives among the ruins. Therefore, if you want to get Bronzor, you have no option than finding the ruins of the region. We have marked one on the below map-

As you can see, one ruin is marked on the above map, but that’s not the only ruin to have Bronzor. You can locate several other ruins on the map, each of which contains Bronzor. Set your location to ruins, and as you appear there, you can see multiple Bronzor floating in the air.

You can either throw your Pokeball to capture the Pokemon or defeat Bronzor to get Bronzor Fragment. The process to capture Bronzo is pretty straightforward. Players can do it quickly once they track one down.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Bronzor in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. If you are looking for Bronzor or Bronzor Fragment, go through our guide, and you can get plenty of them.
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