The Pokémon series is one of the most loved series of Nintendo, and players eagerly wait for the Pokémon games. The latest installment in the Pokémon Series is the Pokémon Scarlet, and Violet and players have dived into the game since it was released. Evolving Pokémon to stronger versions is one of the most popular features of the Pokémon Games, and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is no exception. This guide will help you evolve Applin to Appletun and Flapple.
Guide to Evolve Applin to Appletun and Flapple in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet- How to Do It?
Pokémon can be caught initially in their base forms, and then players can evolve them to higher forms, either by leveling up the Pokémon, increasing friendships with them, giving them particular Stones, or feeding them food. The Applin evolving process requires food.
If you are a veteran player, you must remember seeing this cute Apple Pokémon in previous games. Pokémon Sword and Shield also had this Pokémon. So, if you have previously evolved this Pokémon and remember the process, it’s exactly the same this time. Anyways, for newcomers, let me tell you, Applin is a rare-spawn Pokémon that can be found on the trees randomly in Paldea Region.

If you have got this cute little Apple Pokémon and want to evolve it, you can evolve it in two forms based on the apple you feed it. To evolve Applin, players need Tart Apple and Sweet Apple. You can find both of them at the Delibird Presents shop. Among the General Goods list, you can find both Tart Apple and Sweet Apple to be purchased for 2200 Pokedollars.
Buy one Apple of each type and feed it to Applin. If you feed it the Sweet Apple, you’ll get Appletun; if you feed it Tart Apple, it’ll become Flapple. So first, decide what you want your Applin to be and then feed it the apple. Once you feed the apple, it’ll automatically evolve into its respective form.

That’s all you need to know about how to evolve Applin in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. However, remember that these items in the Delibird Presents Shop can’t be available from the beginning. You must progress through the game and defeat the Gym Leaders, fight with Titan Pokemon, etc., to unlock these items to purchase.
Read Next: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet – How to Evolve Pawmo to Pawmot, How to Get Ice Stones in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.