With the new region that can be unlocked in version 4.6, you can explore the depths of Nostoi to find new treasure and solve new puzzles. As you venture deep into the Sea of Bygone Eras, you can find new chests that hold valuable treasures. There is one such luxurious chest in Clivus Capitolinus, but it is locked behind a puzzle. In this guide we will see how to solve the Clivus Capitolinus luxurious chest puzzle in Genshin Impact 4.6
Genshin Impact 4.6 – Clivus Capitolinus Luxurious Chest Puzzle Solution
Here we will see how to solve the puzzle in Clivus Capitolinus and unlock the luxurious chest in Genshin Impact.
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To find the luxurious chest, make your way to the above location. You will spot three Wonderchime Flowers and a blue Washer Octopus nearby. To start the puzzle, interact with the Washer Octopus and it will guide you to a nearby coral reef. You have to pause all the Swaying Eels that pop up from the coral reefs at the same time. Switch to Symphony mode and use Pause Soundwave to stop the eels when they all appear. Once that is done, follow the Washer Octopus to the next location. This time, unlock the shell to free a Blubberbeast. Again, follow the octopus to the last puzzle. There are two Washer Octopi trapped, and you need to harness the power of the Hunter Ray swimming nearby. Use the Hunter Ray’s Xenochromatic abilities to cut loose the seaweed holding the bubble cage.

After you set both the octopi free, follow all three of them back to the main puzzle area to unlock the luxurious chest.
That’s all there is to know about solving the Clivus Capitolinus luxurious chest puzzle in Genshin Impact. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well