With the latest Genshin Impact update, you can now unlock new achievements and new quests to complete and get rewards. One of the achievements that you might miss out on is Owner’s Duty, which you can get by completing a certain quest. In this guide we will see how to get Owner’s Duty achievement in Genshin Impact 4.6
Genshin Impact 4.6 – Owner’s Duty Achievement Guide
This achievement is quite interesting to get, and has a peculiar process to get it. Here we will see how to get Owner’s Duty achievement in Genshin Impact
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The only way you can unlock this achievement is by following a simple quest. You need to first complete the World Quest Canticles of Harmony and the Fortune Plango Vulnera quest. Once you complete those, talk to Este in Petrichor again. This will start the For Yesterday and Tomorrow secret quest. This time, he will act confused and won’t remember who you are. After a brief conversation, he will tell you to leave Osse with him in the cattery. The cattery is right beside where he is standing, interact with it to place Osse there.
To get the Owner’s Duty achievement, you need to feed Osse by placing fish in its food bowl. If you are unable to feed Osse, teleport to another location and revisit. Even if Osse isn’t available, you can still leave some food out. Interact with the cat bowl and place some food in it to unlock the Owner’s Duty achievement.
That’s all there is to know about Owner’s Duty achievement in Genshin Impact. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well