Marvel’s Avenger’s release date is near, but curious and diehard fans of the franchise can get a feel of the game much in advance through the beta. The game provides a good amount of content in the beta release. However, quite a lot of players are complainant about the Marvel’s Avengers ‘No Internet Connection’ error when they try to launch the game. It can be frustrating as the beta is only available for a limited duration and if the error keeps you from playing, you may have to wait until 4th Sep 2020. Here are the beta dates:
Friday, August 7th to Sunday, August 9th PS4 (closed access)
Friday, August 14th to Sunday, August 16th PS4 (open access) Xbox (closed access) PC (closed access)
Friday, August 21st to Sunday, August 23rd All platforms (open access)
For users who encountered the error, it seems to come and go, but is very persistent and won’t allow a smooth gaming experience. Stick around with us and we will help you resolve the ‘No internet connection’ error in Marvel’s Avengers.
Marvel’s Avengers | How to Fix ‘No Internet Connection’ Error
The complete error message states “NO INTERNET CONNECTION. The network connection to your system has been lost. Make sure your Ethernet cable is connected properly.” As it’s obvious from the error message, the game thinks that your system does not have an active internet connections. In some cases, this is the actual cause and can happen when you are relying on a fluctuation internet connection that goes off every once in a while. While on the other hand, players with perfectly fine connection are also encountering this error message.
As it happened, there are a bunch of fixes that’s effective in resolving the error.
Fix 1: Ensure Ethernet Cable is Connected Correctly
As per the recommendation in the error message, you must first verify the Ethernet cable. Ensure that both ends of the cable is connected firmly. If you have an additional cable, you could try changing the Ethernet cable to troubleshoot any problem with the cable.
Fix 2: Restart the System and Set Up Wi-Fi
If the Marvel’s Avengers ‘No Internet Connection’ error still persists, restart the system and the network hardware and try playing the game. Does the error still occur? If it does, try switching to a Wi-Fi connection if you are on LAN or switch to Ethernet if you are already playing on a Wi-Fi connection.
Still no luck? Try changing your network connection, meaning use a different ISP. Sometimes a particular ISP has problems with a server and that can translate to you being unable to connect to the server. Try switching to your mobile internet.
Fix 3: Change the DNS
Sometimes internet problems on games can occur if you are paying on the default Domain Name Servers of the device. The Google DNS is highly recommended when playing online games. Here are the steps to change the DNS across devices.
For Xbox One
- On the controller, press the Guide button
- Select All Settings > Network > Network settings > Advanced settings > DNS Settings > Manual
- Input the Google DNS addresses and in both the primary and secondary fields and restart the console.
For PlayStation
- Open the PlayStation and head to the main Menu and go to Settings.
- Select Network Settings > Internet Connection Settings > Custom.
- Select LAN for cable and Wi-Fi for Wireless depending on the type of connection you are using for the
- Next, select Custom and change the IP Address Settings to Automatic; Do not specify for DHCP host name; manual for DNS settings, and enter the primary and secondary DNS – and – ; Automatic for MTU settings; and Do not use for Proxy server.
- Save and Restart the PlayStation 4.
For Windows 10 Users
- Press Windows Key + I to open the Windows Settings
- Select Network & Internet
- Click on Change adapter options
- Select the network and right-click > Properties
- Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties
- Toggle Use the following DNS server addresses and fill the Google DNS and
- Click Ok.
Under most circumstances, you do not have to attempt the DNS change and the error is fixed by solution 1 & 2. However, if everything else fails and your internet connection is fine, you may not have any other option other than wait for Crystal Dynamics to fix the issue. You can contact Square Enix Support by following the link.