V Rising’s new update brings new challenges, new bosses, and a new region to explore. The region of Gloomrot holds many secrets, and you can also unlock new items and materials. One of the items you can make use of is bags to help you store essential items during your exploration. There are several types of bags you can craft once you have unlocked the Leatherworking Station, such as the Medium Gem Bag, Medium Herb Bag, and Medium Research Bag. In this guide, we will see how to craft these bags in V Rising.
V Rising – How to Get Medium Gem Bag, Medium Herb Bag, and Medium Research Bag
You can now craft medium gem bags, medium herb bags, and medium research bags to store items. Here we will see how to get these bags in V Rising
Read More: V Rising – How to Get a Small Coin Purse
Before you can craft these bags at the Leatherworking Station, you need to unlock the blueprints for them. You can get the blueprints for the medium herb, gem, and research bag by defeating Frostmaw the Mountain Terror. Frostmaw can be found roaming the Hallowed Mountains and is a level 57 boss. Once he is defeated, you can unlock the recipes for the medium bags.

Now all that is left is to assemble the materials to craft the bags. You will need the following items.
Medium Gem Bag materials in V Rising
- 32x Gem Dust
- 8x Thick Leather
- 4x Wool Thread
Medium Herb Bag materials in V Rising
- 32x Sunflower
- 8x Thick Leather
- 4x Wool Thread
Medium Research Bag materials in V Rising
- 8x Scroll
- 8x Thick Leather
- 4x Wool Thread
After collecting the required materials, head over to the Leatherworking Station to craft the item. It will take 20 seconds to craft one medium bag
That’s all there is to know about getting the medium gem, herb, and research bag in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.