Plate Coverage Indicator or PCI is a neat way to hit the ball in MLB the Show 21. It allows you to read the ball better coming your way. You can turn on, off, or tweak a lot of things in the PCI customization options to get the best shot possible. In a nutshell, it’s the target where you would want to swing the bat. You can also turn off the option if you like to play the game without it. Here is how to turn PCI on and off in MLB the Show 21.
How to Turn Plate Coverage Indicator (PCI) On or Off in MLB the Show 21
By default the game has the PCI enabled because it offers a lot of features that makes hitting the ball easier, but some players may find it annoying or just would want to play the game without it. As such, it’s quite easy to turn PCI off or tweak some of its features.
To change the PCI settings, go to the Main Menu of the game and then to the Settings. Now, go to Gameplay and you should be able to see the Plate Coverage Indicator option. From there, you can easily turn in off or back on. You can even change some of the appearance of the PCI such as the indicator signs, or choose to make it transparent.
It’s that simple to change or disable the PCI in MLB the Show 21.