Traveller’s Tales’s Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a Lego and Star Wars themed action-adventure game which is the sixth in the series of Lego video games that players know and love. This guide will take you through the process of how to complete That’s Not Going To Buff Out Challenge in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
That’s Not Going To Buff Out Challenge Guide in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
There are many challenges that you can take up in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, as the game has a lot of side quests. While these are not necessary for the completion of your game, you can do them to get extra rewards and collect more items.
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The challenge called That’s Not Going To Buff Out is one which you will come across in Episode IV – A New Hope. As part of the task, you will need to damage the ship of Darth Vader by collecting torpedoes and destroying parts of the ship such as the thermal exhaust ports. In addition to this, you will need to defend yourself from the attacks of your opponent.
As you will need to fight against Darth Vader, you might have a real challenge ahead of you. His attacks can be avoided by dodging, but you will also need to land some hits of your own to damage his spaceship. You can do so by using the loop manoeuvre where you take a sharp turn to quickly reach the ship and hit it.
There are plenty of ships on this level which can be hard to identify, but you should be looking for one which has a high amount of HP. With the help of your lasers, you can take out a chunk of the HP by aiming well. Make sure to dodge out of the way of incoming attacks and use your time and shooting skills wisely in order to beat Darth Vader and complete the challenge.