Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you make some interesting choices that will have consequences later. One of the choices you can make is to side with the Spaw or the Sovereign Glut. If you choose a side, you will have to fight the opposing person so you can claim your reward. If you wish to know who you can support, we have got you covered. In this guide we will see if you should side with the Sovereign Glut or Sovereign Spaw in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3 – Should You Support Glut or Spaw?
You will get different results depending on who you choose to side with. Here we will see if you should side with the Glut of Spaw in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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After completing the quests for Sovereign Spaw and Sovereign Glut in the Underdark, you will be given a choice to overthrow one and side with the other. Below are all the consequences of the two choices.
Side with Sovereign Spaw
If you refuse Glut’s advances and keep the hierarchy intact, Glut will challenge you to a duel. Whatever option you pick after that will still result in a fight. Defeat Glut to get the following items.
- Bonecap
- Hastening Spores
- Lump of Myconid Flesh
- Nightlight Frond
- Poison Spores
- Rogue’s Morsel
- Scroll of Blur
- Scroll of Hold Person
Side with Sovereign Glut
If you side with Glut, then you have to fight and defeat Spaw. Once Spaw is dead, the rest of the Grotto residents will turn hostile. Glut will be named as the ruler, and you will receive the Winter’s Clutches gloves that grant frost damage.
That’s all there is to know about whether you should side with Sovereign Spaw or Glut in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.