Generating content is the most difficult aspect of marketing, according to most marketers. This has kept marketers away from Quora.
What is Quora? For those unfamiliar with Quora, it’s a Q&A platform where users ask queries, and read and share insightful answers. Upvote and Downvote are used to rank the quality of answers.
The platform is daunting for marketers because users on Quora are savvy millennials, who can spot promotion from a mile away; they can detect marketing and will Downvote or report the answer until it gets removed. However, when you become a part of the community and add value it can provide a lot of benefit to your brand such as:
- Traffic
- Testing New products
- Discovering Blog Topics
- Branding
- Leads, and more.
Continuing to ignore Quora in 2023 is the biggest mistake you might be making. Sure, mastering the platform takes effort, but Quora is worth it. Here are some Quora statistics that reflect its importance for marketers.
Top 15 Quora Statistics Marketers Should Know
1. Quora has over 300 million monthly active users (possibly 450 million)
As of Sep 2018, Quora surpassed 300 million monthly active users. That is close to big names in social media such as Reddit, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Facebook remains far away, but at the rate Quora is growing, it would be no surprise if it surpasses the above three social media site in terms of monthly active users.
If we consider speculation on Quora and the past growth rate of Quora, we can conclude that the currently active user per month on Quora will be above 450 million users.
2. 37% of Quora users are in a decision-making roles in companies
Next to LinkedIn, Quora has the most number of professionals. Surprisingly, people with a key role in leading organizations are on Quora and ready to share their expertise. This is one of the most unique aspects of Quora. You can find the CEO of Google, Quora, Ahrefs, and others answering regular user’s questions. The large presence of professional with a management position makes Quora an opportunity for B2B marketers. As you explore the platform, you will find thousands of questions related to your industry. People want to know about the best products. Featuring your products in the form of answers in those questions can increase the chances of generating quality leads for the website.
3. 61% of Quora users have a college degree and 54% users with household income above $100,000 annually
If a large number of professional gathering was not an indication, then this Quora statistics proves Quora has the largest percentage of educated people compared to other platforms with 65% having a college degree, 28% with a graduation degree, and 54% people with a household income of more than $100,000 annually.
4. Great for businesses targeting customers in India, the US, and Canada

Quora is great for any country, but many people using the platform daily are from India, the US, and Canada making it crucial for companies targeting customers in these countries. As per Alexa’s Audience Geography for Quora, India contributes 38.8% of visitors, the US 24%, and Canada 3.4%. Considering the 300 million monthly visitors, the numbers for each country are staggering.
5. 61% of Traffic on Quora Originates from Search Engines

61% of visitors on the website come from search engines and Google accounts for 50.4% of traffic on Quora. So, if you thought SEO was the only way to attract organic traffic, think again. Google has been indexing Quora’s answers on the SERP and more so in 2019. Most question-based queries display one or more Quora results. With the increase in voice search, this trend is expected to rise further with more Quora results on the SERP. By answering questions on Quora with a link to your website, you stand to attract traffic for even the most difficult keywords.
6. 37.8% of Quora Users Visited Google Right after Using the Platform
Due to the nature of the platform, which is a Q&A site, most people come looking for specific answers to their queries, it can be about products and services or a brand. 37.8% of people visit Google right after using the site. They might be searching for a brand or a product they came across on an answer. By placing your brand among the answers, you stand to create quality leads that can become customers.
7. Quora has 12.8 Million Ranking Keywords
With the above two Quora statistics, we arrive at the ranking keywords of Quora on search engines, which is a staggering 12.8 million as obtained from Moz. This Quora stats reinforces point 5 that Quora is great for attracting traffic from a wide range of keywords, which through SEO would take a lot of time and money.
8. Quora’s Domain Authority is 93, and Domain Rating (Ahref) is 91
According to Ahrefs, Quora ranks as the 26th most visited website in the US and the world. Moz places Quora at 389th among the top websites in the world in terms of domain authority. Quora does not provide Do-follow backlinks; however, it’s a great website with very high DA to build the perfect backlink profile with a balance of Do-follow and No-follow backlinks. Backlinks on Quora are eternal as long as the website stands. You can generate leads and traffic from an answer for several years after posting the answer.
9. Visitors Spend 4:08 Minutes on Quora
An average visitor spends 4:08 minutes on the website and views at least 2.50 pages or answers on average. This makes Quora one of the most engaging websites on the web, great for running ads.
10. Current Alexa Rank of Quora is 226
Alexa rank for Quora has witnessed a sharp turn if you compare month-month. In 2018, Quora ranked 86th at a point and dropped to 261 in Oct-19. As of Dec-19, it has regained it Alexa Rank to 226 and by Feb-2020, it’s expected to again be placed among the top 100 websites in terms of global internet traffic and engagement. Hence, content marketing Quora should be a part of your marketing strategy.
11. Gender Ratio
The male-female ratio on Quora is slightly tilted towered men with 57-43 ratio; however, the site remains equally engaging and opportunistic for both genders. As a marketer, whichever gender you are targeting Quora digital marketing should be a part of your strategy.
12. Mobile Traffic Constitutes 3/4 of the Traffic
With the popularity of mobile devices and a growing trend of users visiting social media sites, the users of Quora via mobile devices make up to 75%.
13. Topics on Quora Have Millions of Followers
Popular topics on Quora has millions of visitors. Here are the most active topic categories and followers:
- Auto – 7,346,616 Followers
- Technology – 71,846,300 Followers
- Entertainment – 83,847,847 Followers
- Shopping – 12,586,967 Followers
- Higher Education – 16,289,433 Followers
- Health – 73,494,588 Followers
- Travel – 57,519,648 Followers
- Fashion and Design – 42,423,035 Followers
- Business – 58,780,353 Followers
- Marketing – 29,501,893 Followers
- Learning – 54,980,550 Followers
14. Businesses Using Quora Ads Report 4X Conversion
No doubt, due to the large percentage of professional users with management positions, Quora remains one of the best platforms for advertisers and marketers. Companies that are leveraging the Quora ads report 4x more conversions.
15. More than 400,000 Topics
Quora qualifies as one of the best platforms for content marketing with over 400,000 topics. No matter how unique your business is, you will find questions and users on Quora who are interested to learn about your business.
16. Quora Ads Help Leverage B2B Companies
Using Quora for ad placements has been beneficial for B2B companies, as these companies have acknowledged the power of promoting their brand on the platform. This intensive guide for how B2B companies can use Quora for marketing gives a comprehensive rundown of everything a company can do to grow its presence on the platform. 60% of B2B companies enjoy the benefits of Quora Ads.
17. Quora has Overtaken LinkedIn in Popularity
Adults over 18+ have statistically proven to use Quora more than LinkedIn for their search-related queries, which can help marketers when they want to target specific audiences. Quora is also one of the few websites that have a higher adult population visiting the site.
18. The most popular Demographic on Quora is Americans and Indians
While 35% of Americans do log into Quora regularly, the majority of the demographic comes from India. Ads targeting this audience have seen a spike in traffic for most B2B and B2C companies.
19. Up to 5000+ Questions are Posted Each Day on Quora
The active user base on Quora is quite high, as roughly 3000 – 5000 questions are being posted on the platform each day. That means around 150,000+ questions are being posted each month. This is another factor that will help drive traffic for a lot of companies.
20. Quora stands at over $1.8 Billion Net Worth
Quora has a Net Valuation of probably over 1.8 Billion US Dollars, and with its active growing user base, it is sure to cross even further in the coming years. It is expected to be even higher in the current year, giving companies an insight into the growth of Quora as a marketing platform.
With these Quora statistics, we believe you must be convinced the Quora is a great platform for any business.