V Rising Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier Location and How to Beat

QM Staff
3 Min Read

Playing survival games without powerful enemies is almost impossible. Players must face these enemies to progress through the game, and V Rising is no exception. The more you progress through the game, the more you will face powerful enemies, and the new Gloomrot expansion has brought new bosses to the game, including Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier. If you are curious about this boss and looking for its location, go through our guide for help.

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier Location in V Rising- How to Defeat?

If you have been playing V Rising for a longer time, you are aware that bosses are an integral part of the game, and there are numerous bosses to beat as you progress through the main story. The new Gloomrot expansion has introduced several new contents to the game, including the Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier boss. If you are unsure of the location, check the map location below-

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier Location in V Rising- How to Defeat

The boss is located in the Silverlight Hills. To be more precise, visit Brighthaven Vineyard to find the boss. The boss is not very troublesome to locate; once you reach the location, you will find him easily.

Once the boss is located, the next step is to beat the boss. If you are curious how to beat the boss, let me tell you he is a level 70 enemy and not easy to beat. So, players must be aware of their levels. If you are below level 70, you must increase your level before your fight the Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier boss. Also, you can bring a teammate with you to back you up during the fight.

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier Location in V Rising- How to Defeat

The main thing you must remember during the fight is to avoid the rolling drums. The boss will summon rolling drums frequently, and if you are hit by them, you will be stunned for a moment. So, this is what you should be careful of. Otherwise, the boss will continuously attack you with close and ranged attacks. Even he has AoE attacks to take you down. So, always keep your distance and attack with ranged weapons to take him down.

That’s all you need to know about how to locate and defeat Baron du Bouchon, the Sommelier boss in V Rising.

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