Remnant 2 lets you explore a monster-ridden world. As you get closer to the truth, you will uncover secrets. There are also several hidden chests and secret items you will discover, and you need to find the solution to them all. One of the rarest items you will find is the Ornate Key, which unlocks the Ornate Lunchbox. If you are wondering how to get the key and unlock the lunchbox, keep reading. In this guide we’ll see how to obtain and use the Ornate Key in Remnant 2
Remnant 2 – How to Get and Use Ornate Key
The Ornate Key is rare, but you can obtain it easily if you follow this guide. Here we will see how to get and use the Ornate Key in Remnant 2.
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To find the Ornate Key, go to The Widow’s Court in Yaesha. You can use the red crystal to fast travel to that point. You need to explore the area, as the key is found on a dead body. There is a Pan warrior corpse under the bridge, and if you loot the body you will get the Ornate Key and a note. In the note, the location of the Ornate Lunchbox is not specified. Luckily, you won’t have to travel too far, as the lunchbox can be found in Widow’s Court itself.
Ornate Lunchbox Location in Remnant 2
Follow the right path from the Red Crystal until you find a passage further right. Follow the passage path and keep to your right. You will eventually find a flight of stairs. On the left side of the staircase is another narrow passage. Go through it and you will find a door on your right side.

Pass through the entrance, past the fountain, and jump down into the pit where the waterfall is. There is a large entryway, so pass through it and take the path to the dead end. Luckily, the left wall is a hologram, so walk through it. Take the elevator to climb up. You will reach an abandoned bedroom. The Ornate Lunchbox can be found on the table near the wall. Use the Ornate Key in the lunchbox to get Thaen Seed.

That’s all there is to know about getting the Ornate Key in Remnant 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.