Naraka Bladepoint Best Weapon Tier List

QM Staff
3 Min Read

If you have been playing Naraka Bladepoint for a long time, you know this game is unique. It has several things to figure out to progress through the game. As a Battle Royale, players must fight with 59 more players and survive until the end. So, it is useless to mention that weapons are the primary requirement in the game. Naraka Bladepoint is not only based on guns and grenades, but it has different weapons. If you are confused about the best weapons to use in the game, this guide will help you with it.

What are the Best Naraka Bladepoint Weapons to Use? Tier List

Weapons are the most essential things in a battle royale. Without weapons, players can’t survive in these games, especially in games like Naraka Baldepoint, where all other players are enemies trying to eliminate you. However, the more a game gives options, the more players get confused about selecting the right weapon. So, they require a tier list to know the best weapons to use. Naraka Baldepoint is no exception.

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This game is different than the other battle royales as it includes different weapons and even characters with special abilities. However, if you want to know the best weapons to use in this game, check out the below tier list-

What are the Best Naraka Bladepoint Weapons to Use? Tier List


S-Tier weapons are the best in any game and are unparalleled from every side. They must be the player’s first preferences. This tier includes-

  • Bow,
  • Dagger,
  • Nunchuck,
  • Spear
  • Longsword,
  • Musket,


These are the second-best weapons in the game. These weapons are also one of the best in the game. This tier includes-

  • Katana,
  • Repeating Crossbow


These are average-tier weapons that players can select if they don’t find better options. This tier includes-

  • Cannon,
  • Greatsword,
  • Swarm


These are the worst weapons in the game, and we suggest avoiding these weapons while you have much better options. This tier includes-

  • Bloodripper,
  • Flamebringer,
  • Pistol

These are the best weapons in Naraka Bladepoint. If you have been looking for some help before choosing your weapons, go through the tier list. This tier list is based on our preferences, so it may not suit everyone’s style. If you disagree, you can try all the weapons to find the best one.

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