Early Access for MLB the Show 22 is right around the corner, and in this guide, we will see what new features have been added in Hitting, Pitching, and Fielding.
MLB the Show 22 – New Features for Hitting, Pitching and Fielding Explained
The most beloved baseball franchise MLB the Show 22 is set to have its early access on April 1st. Here we will see what new features are added under Hitting, Pitching, and Fielding.
Power and Contact Swings Operation
Power and Contact swing are two of the three types of swings available in the game, along with Normal. Due to player feedback, they have tweaked the way these swings will affect the gameplay. Contact swings will not have as much effect if used outside of the strike zone, as well as the implementation of stricter penalties for the power swing
Dynamic PCI
Plate Coverage Indicator or PCI will be adjusted in a new feature called dynamic PCI, which will measure the distance between the center of the plate and the player, and will shrink when out of the zone. You will be able to have a clear distinction between all the batting stances and swing types, as well as move your batters’ position effectively.
PCI Anchor
The PCI Anchor will enable locking of the swing for consistency. You can lock into one of the nine areas available in the strike zone.
Exit Velocity Changes
There is a tweak that will adjust the pitch to offer the best timing to hit based on the player’s strike zone location. If on the inside pitched, swing earlier, while mid pitchers can swing on time. For the pitches outside the zone, swing a bit later.
Dynamic PAR
Perfect Accuracy Region has made a comeback in MLB the Show 22, and there are some adjustments. Dynamic Par will make adjustments in the rage of the pitch that is around the strike zone. This will result in a change in pitch movement based on placement. The 2-Seam Fastball, 4-Seam Fastball, and the Cutter will be exempted from this rule
Pinpoint Pitching Changes
There are changes in difficulty under fastball gesture and off-speed gesture accuracy, making them easier or difficult.
Custom Practice
This is a practice mode to plan how you will approach the field.
Perfect Throws
Whichever position of the field you are in, you will be guaranteed a perfect throw to every base. There will also be adjustments made on the thrower and target, which will make in-field players make better decisions while tagging out runners.
New Animations
There are around 22 new fielding animations added to MLB the Show 22. Players will have quicker throws and lesser olay animations.
That’s all there is to know about the new features added in MLB the Show 22. If you liked this guide you can check out our other guides as well.