The Christmas and New Year celebration has already begun in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1. Winterfest Event is not new in Fortnite, but this time the event has brought lots of new presents and quests for the players to enjoy, and the Snowball Launcher is also a part of the Winterfest Event in the game. So, if you are looking for Snowball Launcher in Fortnite, this guide will help you know where to find it.
Snowball Launcher Location in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1- Where to Get?
New events are normal in Fortnite as players often get limited-time events that bring new content to the game, especially new weapons and outfits. Snowball Launcher is one part of Winterfest, a limited-time celebration that will end soon. So, players need to complete the Winterfest quests as soon as possible.
Winterfest has brought a few quests, and one of them wants players to eliminate 5 Opponents with Snowball Launcher. Though the task is not difficult, finding Snowball Launcher is tricky. Snowball Launcher comes in different variants- Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary and can be found in Chests, Legendary Chests, Supply Drops, etc. If you are lucky, you can get Snowball Launcher even as ground loot.
However, if you are ready to spend some Gold Bars, you can purchase Snowball Launcher from Scrapknight Jules. You will find this NPC at Faulty Splits. So, getting a Snowball Launcher may take some time, but it’s not so rare that you can’t get one. It requires a bit of searching, though.

With around 42 DPS (Legendary), Snowball Launcher is a great weapon to deal damage to multiple enemies simultaneously. This weapon fires slow Projectiles, which basically deal AoE damage and is extremely good in the long range. So, eliminating 5 opponents with this weapon won’t be as challenging as it seems to be. However, it takes considerable time to reload. In Legendary form, this weapon takes 2.7 Seconds to reload.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Snowball Launcher in Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 1.
Read Next: How to Make and Hide in a Giant Snowball in Fortnite Chapter 4, How to Complete Loot a Weapon From a Supply Drone at a Hot Spot Quest in Fortnite Chapter 4.