Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) Neighbourly Help Task Guide

Harsh Clif
2 Min Read

Gray Zone Warfare has a lot of tasks you can put hours into. Most of these tasks help familiarize you with the POIs on the map. The Neighbourly Help is one such task where you need to secure some fuel supply. Fuel at the base is running out and no supplies are coming in. You need to go to Fort Narith and check the Fuel Storage there to determine the fuel levels. Keep reading and we will show you how to do the Neighbourly Help task in Gray Zone Warfare (GZW).

Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) Neighbourly Help Task Guide

fuel storage location GZW

To complete the quest, go to Fort Narith and head east to find the Fuel Storage. You can use the above map to get to the location. Once you are at the fuel storage, there will be two green tin sheds. Go behind them and you will see pressure valves. Get close and you will be able to check the fuel levels. Do this for both fuel storages and the task will be complete.

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He is caught in a loop between writing about games and playing them. It's a vicious cycle. Although he's biased towards PC, you can occasionally find him on the PS5. He does not own an Xbox Consoles but plans on getting one soon.
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