Like most of the tasks in Gray Zone Warfare, the True Grit is also quite easy after you have taken care of the AIs in the vicinity of the POI and found the HP 102 key. The task requires you to recover the prized possession of a client. The item you are required to retrieve is a Colt revolver used by John Wayne himself in the movie True Grit and hence the name of the task. Keep reading and we will show you the location of the pistol with coordinates as well as the HP 102 key.
Gray Zone Warfare True Grit Task Guide
To get the pistol, you need to go to the Motel, South of Hunter’s Paradise. The approximate coordiantes for the motel is (160, 167). You can also use the below map to pinpoint the location of the motel. Once you are in the area, kill as many AIs that you encounter until you get the HP 102 key. Unlike some of the other keys, this one drops fairly easy. Once you have the key, open the door of the moral room and you can get the revolver.

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Once you are in the motel area, look for the autorickshaw and the room is straight in front of it. Go to the door and if it’s HP 102, that’s the door you need to unlock. Go to the table near the bed and you will notice a case. It has the John Wayne revolver from True Grit.