An employee named Deesabun Nguyen has gone missing and you need to go to Midnight Sapphire to find him. The clue to his whereabouts is that he is somewhere in the Employee’s residence, which is South of the Golf Club. This is a simple mission once you know the location where you need to go. The task also does not require any key so you do not have to grind with the AIs. Here is how to complete the Crime Doesn’t Pay task in GZW.
Gray Zone Warfare (GZW) Crime Doesn’t Pay
To proceed with the task, go to Midnight Sapphire. Locate the Golf Club and head south or you can use the below map to directly go to the Employee Housing. The coordinates you need to visit are (168, 165). If you want to avoid the AIs, do not go to the Golf Club; instead, start from Foxtrot 1 and make your way through the forest to get to the Employee Housing.

Once in the area, go to the center building with a car parked in the front. From the car, enter the second room and you will find Deesabun Nguyen tied to a chair. Verify the identity and the mission will be complete.
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