Gunny has a bunch of interesting tasks for you to complete and earn some rewards while you are at it. The Cache Retrieval task enlists you to find and place trackers in two different locations. While it can be easy, it is equally easy to lose your way and end up someplace else. In this guide we will see how to complete the Cache Retrieval task in Gray Zone Warfare.
Gray Zone Warfare – Cache Retrieval Task Guide
There are two locations where you need to plant the trackers. Here we will see how to complete the Cache Retrieval task in Gray Zone Warfare
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After you pick up the task from Gunny, you will receive two trackers in your inbox. In case you die during the mission and end up losing them, you can always buy it from Gunny’s shop for 50$ each. It is best to keep them in your safe locker so you don’t lose them next time. Next, load your map and locate the warehouse and the lumberyard within your main town. For each faction, the town map will be different, but the buildings remain the same. You need to locate the Warehouse and the Lumberyard, and these two buildings are usually at the edge of town, near the outskirts. Luckily, when you start the quest, you will get the coordinates to the Warehouse and the Lumberyard in your quest objective, depending on your faction map.

To place the trackers, head over to the Lumberyard first. Find a shed with an open door overlooking the main road. You don’t have to go too deep to find it, since you can easily spot it if you are on the dirt road. Be careful of enemies lurking around and take them out. Head inside and find a crate where you get the indication to place the tracker.

For the Warehouse, you can spot it just near the main road. But don’t go inside it, rather explore the outer western section of the warehouse to find a small storage room. Head inside the room to find a crate where you can place the second tracker. Exfil from there and report to Gunny to complete the mission
That’s all there is to know about Cache Retrieval in Gray Zone Warfare. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well