You can now live out your fantasies of being chased by serial killers in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. While playing as the victim, you have to escape the family of deranged murderers by finding various exit points nearby. There are different locations you can get trapped in, but once you figure out the optimal route, you can get out of there in no time. One of the locations you can get trapped in is the Gas Station, but luckily there are a bunch of exits you can uncover. In this guide, we will see all the Gas Station exits in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
All Gas Station Exits in Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Escaping the Slaughter Family can be difficult if you don’t know what you are doing. Here we will see all Gas Station exits in Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Read More: All Family House Exits in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

After spawning in the Gas Station, there are a handful of exit points you can run towards and get out of there quickly. The four exit points are marked on the map above, and they are as follows.
- Car Battery Exit
- Pressure Valve Exit
- Generator Exit
- Road Exit
As for the map glossary, you can follow the pointers below.
- Map pointer – Exit points
- White circle – Item Location
- Black triangle – Door Unlock
- Blue Square – Grandpa
The Item Locators will help you discover items needed to escape through the various exit points. Items like valves for the Pressure Valve exit can be found in the white-circled area. You will also need to unlock tools, which can be located if you go to the areas with the black triangle. Avoid the blue square if you wish to not bump into Grandpa
How to Use the Car Battery Exit in Texas Chainsaw Massacre Gas Station

To use the Car Battery exit, first, get your hands on the unlock door tool and unlock the gate first. After that, explore the south or eastern areas of the exit point to get the car battery. After getting the battery, quickly turn it on to use the gate and make a quick escape.
How to Use the Pressure Valve Exit in Texas Chainsaw Massacre Gas Station

If you plan on using the Pressure Valve exit, you need to think ahead. First, you need to find the Valve Control box, and after that, you need to locate the Valves. The Valve Control is mostly located on the exterior of the house, especially near the Rear Bedroom. It can be located in other areas of the exterior House as well. Next, you need to get the Valve, and there are a handful of areas where this will spawn.
- Compound or by the Shop Backroom
- Living Room or outside Living Room Exterior
- The backfield, by the Barn or Valve Exit
Using the Pressure Valve exit can be risky since the area is always patrolled by the Family. If you find that they have moved to other areas of the house, then you are free to use this exit.
How to Use Generator Exit in Texas Chainsaw Massacre Gas Station
To find the Generator to activate the exit, you need to head southwest from the Generator Exit point. The generator needs to be broken for it to work, so someone with high strength should be sent out to find it. You should note that there will be at least one Family member on patrol here, so any noise you make will alert them. Break the generator then turn it back on, then make your way northeast to use the exit.
How to Use Road Exit in Texas Chainsaw Massacre Gas Station

The Road Exit is the easiest exit to use, as you need just an unlock door tool to get out. You can also use Connie for their lockpicking skills. Whichever method you choose, you just have to make a run for it and unlock the door to get out of this exit point.
That’s all there is to know about all Gas Station exit points in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.