After a few delays, finally, the most anticipated game of 2021, Halo Infinite, has already been reached to the players’ hands on 8th December 2021. Currently, it is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S. Halo Infinite includes several new and old weapons and vehicles; also, this time, the maps are bigger and open.
Because the maps are more extensive and open, Halo Infinite introduces a few collectibles for the players to look for. Spartan Core is one of them. Before the Players start to upgrade their Master Chief, they need to collect an adequate amount of Spartan Cores. This article will discuss the locations to find the Spartan Cores in Halo Infinite.
Locations of Spartan Cores in Halo Infinite
In Halo Infinite, players can upgrade their Master Chief, and it is the feature first time introduced in Halo Series. For this reason, players need Spartan Cores. If you check the Upgrade section from the Game’s menu, you’ll find the amount of Spartan Cores written beside every ability. Below, we’ll discuss the locations of Spartan Cores in detail-
Island 1 – Recovery
You’ll get eight Spartan Cores in this area. You need to explore the below-mentioned areas to find the Spartan Cores-
- The Tower (Inner)
- The Tower (Outer)
- FOB Foxtrot
- Ransom Keep
- Recovery Northeast
- Ransom Keep East
- Carrera Squad
- Recovery South
Island 2- Excavation
These Spartan Cores can be found on the Northwest side of Zeta Halo. There is a total of 14 Spartan Cores available in this area. Also, remember that the Spartan Cores found at Outpost Tremonius can’t be counted in the Area Collectible Total. You need to explore the below-mentioned areas to find the Spartan Cores-
- Outpost Tremonius Start
- Outpost Tremonius Ship
- Outpost Tremonius North
- Cobra Squad
- FOB Alpha Northeast
- FOB Bravo
- Excavation Site Southwest
- Excavation Site Southeast
- FOB Alpha Southeast
- Armory of Reckoning
- Forge of Trash
- Redoubt of Sundering
- Horn of Abolition
- FOB Echo West
- FOB Echo Northeast
- Spire West
- Spire Southeast
Island 3- Pelican Down
These Spartan Cores can be found after you complete the Pelican Down mission. There are 5 Spartan Cores in this area. You need to explore the below-mentioned areas to find the Spartan Cores-
- North AA Gun
- North AA Gun (Southwest)
- East AA Gun
- West AA Gun
- Pelican Down
Island 4- Sequence
The Last 15 Spartan Cores can be found in the Southeast section. Once you complete the Sequence mission, you need to explore the below-mentioned areas to find the Spartan Cores-
- FOB Lima
- North Beacon 1
- FOB November Northeast
- North Beacon 2
- North Beacon 3
- FOB November Southeast
- Riven Gate
- Riven Gate Northeast
- Island 3 and Island 4 Bridge
- Fortune Squad
- Southwest Beacon
- Annex Ridge
- FOB Kilo East
- FOB Juliet
- Southeast Beacon
These are the locations where you can find Spartan Cores in Halo Infinite. If you are playing Halo Infinite and don’t yet get the places to collect Spartaa Cores, check out our guide for required information.