Hatching Eggs is one way of getting more Pals and adding them to your base. Sometimes you can even breed two different Pals and get an entirely different Pal species with new passives and abilities. If you find that breeding Pals is time consuming, you can also run around and find Eggs. There are various egg types to find around Palpagos Islands, and in this guide we will see how to get the Huge Damp Egg in Palworld
Palworld – Huge Damp Egg Location
You can also collect certain eggs from the wild and hatch unique Pals. Here we will see where to find Huge Damp Egg in Palworld
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To find a Huge Damp Egg, make your way to the Cold Shore fast travel point that is located north of the map. You can get here by crossing the water after the desert ends. You would have reached the desert area by now if you are on a lookout for Coal, Sulfur, and the Alpha Anubis Pal. Make your way to the island across the water and explore the plateau sticking close to the shoreline. Somewhere towards the southeast area you will find the Huge Damp Egg nestled under a tree on the plateau. You can collect it and bring it back to your base to start the incubation process

If you already have the Egg Incubator, you can place the egg from your inventory inside it. It will take a while for the egg to hatch, so check if the egg is comfortable inside the incubator. Once the egg is ready to hatch, you can interact with it and hatch the Suzaku Aqua. The Suzaku Aqua is a water type Pal and can help with Watering jobs and irrigation on your base. This Pal can be used as a flying mount, and when killed it can drop Pal Fluid.
That’s all there is to know about finding Huge Damp Egg in Palworld. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.