The Gunsmith is becoming more refined by introducing Receivers, Weapon Platforms, and Blueprints in the game. Now, you can individually alter your weapons to improve or upgrade them. You can also class your weapons under a weapon family, so you can improve your loadout when needed. In this guide, we will take an in-depth look at what Receivers, Blueprints, and Weapon Platforms do in Modern Warfare 2.
How to Use Receivers, Blueprints, and Weapon Platforms in Modern Warfare 2
You can now improve your weapon loadout according to its receivers and the platform it belongs to. You can also receive additional blueprints to upgrade your weapons if you already own the previous version of said weapon. Here we will see how receivers, blueprints, and weapon platforms work in Modern Warfare 2.
Read More: Modern Warfare 2 Gunsmith—New Create-A-Class and Attachment Tuning Explained

Let’s take a look at all the terms one by one, starting with Receivers. Receivers are just another term for weapon attachments. You can select receivers in the weapon loadout section of the Gunsmith, and when you do, you will notice an array of attachments that will pop up from all your existing weapons. When you do click on the Receivers screen, you will end up at a swapping station, where you can select another weapon that belongs to the same family as the weapon you wish to modify and pick your attachments. To use Receivers, you need to level up all the receiver options to open up more possibilities to mix and match.

As for Weapon Platforms, this culminates in all the weapons under a family group, ie, from the same weapon manufacturer. Under weapon platforms, you can use the same attachment from the same manufacturer on any weapon class. Unlock weapon attachments in Modern Warfare 2 are much different than usual. You will need to level up any weapon that falls under the same platform to unlock attachments. There are two types of attachments that you can earn, one that will only work with weapons that fall under one weapon platform, and others that you can equip across all platforms. For similar weapon platform attachments, you can only unlock Rear Grips, Magazines, Barrels, Receivers, and Stocks. Across all weapons, you can equip Ammunition, Optics, Muzzles, and Foregrips.

And finally, you got the weapon Blueprints. There aren’t many changes made in this section, so you would be aware of how Blueprints work in Call of Duty. Once you get a weapon blueprint, you automatically unlock specific attachments as well, and this method requires less time to grind for them. You can also make use of the Weapon Vault to use any attachment available on their existing blueprint, which gives you more freedom to customize your weapon.
That’s all there is to know about Receivers, Weapon Platforms, and Blueprints in Modern Warfare 2 Beta. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.