You can now unlock weapon camos of various kinds for each of the weapons in Modern Warfare 2. Unlocking weapon camo will require you to complete certain challenges, and you have to work your way from base camo to gold, platinum, or Orion camo. The challenges are straightforward and you can complete most of them while playing the game. In this guide, we will see how to unlock the gold FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2.
How to Unlock the Gold FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2
To unlock the gold camo for any weapon, you need to go through the challenges for unlocking all the base camos first. Here we will see how to unlock the gold FTAC Recon in Modern Warfare 2.
Read More: How to Unlock the Gold FSS Hurricane in Modern Warfare 2
If you don’t have the FTAC Recon yet, you need to level up the M4 to weapon rank 13 to unlock it. To level up weapon rank, you should use the required gun in matches. Equipping the Weapon XP token can help you quickly scale up the ranks. Once you have the FTAC Recon, you can participate in the challenges and unlock the gold camo. Below are all the challenges.

- Beached Base Camo: Get 50 Kills with the FTAC Recon
- Torn Scales Base Camo: Get 10 Double Kills with the FTAC Recon
- Desert Cat Base Camo: Get 50 Kills using a Suppressor with the FTAC Recon
- Haunting Base Camo: Get 50 Kills while crouched with the FTAC Recon
- Gold Camo: Get 3 Kills without dying 10 times with the FTAC Recon
You can use any game mode to get the kills using the FTAC Recon, but the best modes you can participate in are Domination and Hard Point. The maps are straightforward and you can keep an eye on all the entry points for oncoming enemies. You should also ensure that you have the best FTAC Recon Loadouts to help you with the challenges, especially for the suppressor challenge. For the perk package, you can use the Phantom or Hunter package, and for Field Upgrades, you can use Munition Box, Dead Silence, or Tactical Insertion.
That’s all there is to know about unlocking gold FTAC Recon for Modern Warfare 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.