Modern Warfare 2 has plenty of multiplayer options to choose from, and these modes will test your skills and gamesmanship. One of the more popular modes to play is Domination, as this mode is great for leveling up your rank as well. But, unlike the other multiplayer modes, to get Domination is a bit of a gamble while playing through Quick Play. In this guide, we will see how to play in Domination Mode in Modern Warfare 2.
How to Play Domination Mode in Modern Warfare 2 – How to Filter Game Mode
Currently, in MW2 Beta, Domination and Team Deathmatch are combined under Quick Play, so if you select the Quick Play option, you can get either or. If you are looking to play only under Domination mode or vice versa, there is a method to go about it. Here we will see how to play Domination Mode in Modern Warfare 2.
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To select any of the modes in Quick Play, you will have to go to the Game Mode menu first. This is the page where you can select between Quick Play, Invasion, Search and Destroy, and other modes. Now, select the Quick Play option, you will notice two more options that will show up at the bottom; Play and Filter. Select the Filter option, this will take you to the Quick Play menu screen. You can now select or deselect the mode you wish to give more priority to. Select only Domination if you wish to play in that game mode. Now go back and select Quick Play again, and press the Play button. You will be taken to the Domination lobby now.
That’s all there is to know about playing in Domination mode in Modern Warfare 2. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.