The first episode of Atomgrad has officially begun with the release of Season 1 Reloaded. Call of Duty is no stranger to mid-season updates, but this is the first time we have seen Raids in a mode like Spec Ops. Before you can start, you will need some Raid Assignments.
Don’t let your raid assignment expire – make sure you use it within the week. You only need one assignment to complete the raid, so if you have three people in your party, you can get three different completions. Keep stacking up the assignments and walk away with all of the rewards. One of the assignments is to open blast doors. In this guide, we’ll see how to open the blast doors in atomgard episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
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How to Open Blast Doors Atomgard Episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2?
As soon as you activate the yellow panel, you will be prompted to decode a code on the projector. You must activate the receiver in the broadcasting room, which has a code. The puzzle you need to solve is the same as the one you used to open the submarine doors.

Doing this alone will be very challenging, so you should try communicating with your friends after you have deciphered the codes. As a result, one of your teammates will see a code on the projector, and another teammate will see the code on the broadcasting panel. After deciphering similar codes on the projector and the panel, you will be required to type the same code on the keypad. Remember, that there are two broadcasting CCTV rooms with the projector to give you the codes.

Keep in mind that there is a fingerprint scanner in this keypad TV monitor, so once you have entered the first code, you will need to switch positions with your teammates to type the second code. Son, in total, 3 different codes are to be entered by all 3 players.

It is important to complete this part of the raid within 10-15 minutes, otherwise, the mission will be reset. Once you have entered all three correct codes, try to hold the base for at least five minutes and kill as many enemies as possible. After that, regroup near the blast doors, which are located between the keypad monitor and the panel. The blast doors will get opened.

This concludes the guide on how to open blast doors atomgard episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Be sure to check other guides too for more updates on the game.