The first episode of Atomgrad has officially begun with the release of Season 1 Reloaded. Call of Duty is no stranger to mid-season updates, but this is the first time we have ever seen Raids in a mode like Spec Ops. Before you can get started, you’re going to need some Raid Assignments.
Don’t let your raid assignment expire – make sure you use it within the week. You only need one assignment to complete the raid, so if you have three people in your party, that’s three different completions you can get. Keep stacking up the assignments and walk away with all of the rewards. One of the assignments is to open the submarine door. In this guide, we’ll see how to open the submarine door in atomgard episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.
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How to Open Submarine Door Atomgard Episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2?
In order to open the submarine door, the raid assignment is split into four parts. You need to work well as a team on this assignment, so make sure your microphone is on or your chat is open. The assignment requires one of your teammates to stand in front of the CCTV camera in the middle, another at the garage door accessing the monitor, and the third at the far right monitor typing the code.
To start the assignment,
- Your first task is to press the button on the far left TV monitor and then generate the code.

- After generating the code, try to decipher what that actually means.
- Now go to the computer screens in the middle and you will see the CCTV cameras here.

- The projection of the letters in one of the last cameras will be the translation that you need to enter on the number pad.
- Remember that some of the letters on the monitor will be projected and some will be extra.

- Pass on the letters that are projected on the camera as well as on the monitor to your teammate.
- Now type this code on the far right of the computer screen. Do this process three times, so that you can generate three codes.

- There is a second monitor on the other side of the garage room. Press the red button to access that monitor and generate the code.

In short, to open the submarine door, generate the codes from the left TV monitor, decipher the codes from the middle CCTV cameras, and then type the codes on the keypad on the right side of the TV monitor. After you have entered all four codes on the TV monitor, the submarine door will open.
This concludes the guide on how to open the submarine door atomgard episode 01 in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Be sure to check other guides too for more updates on the game.