Diablo 4 was one of the most anticipated games of this year, released a few days back on 5th June 2023. Crafting materials are one of the integral parts of action RPGs. Players must craft and upgrade weapons and equipment in Diablo 4, so the crafting system is vital to the game. Of course, crafting and upgrading won’t be completed without proper resources, and Forgotten Souls are one of those resources required in Diablo 4 to upgrade weapons.
If you are looking for Forgotten Souls in Diablo 4, go through our guide for the required information.
Diablo 4 Forgotten Soul Farming Process- How to Get?
Crafting requires crafting materials. No matter which game you play, they all have the same rule. Even upgrading requires specific materials that players should gather and upgrade items. Similarly, if you want to upgrade your Legendary weapons and gear, you need Forgotten Soul, a rare item in Diablo 4.
Forgotten Soul is not the newly added upgrading material in Diablo 4. Forgotten Souls have been in the game for a long time, and players must require them to upgrade their Ancestral and Sacred items. However, it is one of the rarest things to find in Diablo 4, and sometimes you may not find even one during your first playthrough.

If you have been looking for Forgotten Souls during the End Game, let me tell you, there’s only one way to farm them- participate in the Helltide Events. These events are not unlocked from the beginning. Instead, players can unlock them by progressing through the game. As soon as you reach World Tier 3: Nightmare, Helltide Events will unlock. Players need to complete the main storyline and reach level 50 to unlock World Tier 3.
Once the Helltide Event begins, there’s nothing to worry about. You must do the same thing you have been doing from the beginning- Slay demons. Players will encounter waves of demons. The event lasts for 60 minutes, with an interval. During the Helltide Events, you can open the Helltide Chests to get Forgotten Souls or locate and break the Ore Deposits to check whether they have Forgotten Souls.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Forgotten Souls in Diablo4.
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