Paradox Development Studio’s Victoria 3 is a complicated strategy game that has a lot of different mechanisms and keeps players busy for hours. This is a sequel to the 2010 game Victoria II, and covers world history for a hundred years from 1836. Players are able to choose from a hundred countries on what they want to control as well. In this guide, we will take you through the process of how to enable colonization in Victoria 3.
Victoria 3: How to Enable Colonization
As you play Victoria 3, you will find that the game is not just your regular city-builder, but you’ll actually need to be diplomatic and fight wars sometimes. If you want to avoid war, you can try doing peace treaties, but there are some people out there who want to have the biggest and the most powerful country in the world. In order to do this, you will need to enable colonization in your game.
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Colonization is a playstyle that you can try out in Victoria 3. By colonizing other countries, you will be able to expand your territory and become a force to be reckoned with. The more land you have, the more profit you can gain as you will have more access to things like natural resources, trade routes and even allies.

You will be able to colonize other countries in Victoria 3 only after a lot of investment. During the process of colonization and management, you will incur a lot of overseas expenses that you need to keep an eye on lest it gets out of hand. Sometimes, the people you have colonized can revolt, and soon you’ll have an uprising in your hands. The rebellion of your colony could have serious ramifications on your economy.
However, if you still want to play Colonization, you will need to unlock the ability to become a colonial nation. This is done by enacting a law through the Colonial Affairs Institution which needs to be activated. Through Colonial Resettlement, you will be eligible to get Migration Attraction bonuses, while through Colonial Exploitation, you will have fewer overseas expenses. The better option is probably the former.