Finding the Grimoire’s Second Volume is the second part of the Short-Sighted Ambition Quest handed by Isaac at Isaac’s Wares. Once you have completed the first objective to find Ripened Quince and come back to Isaac after a few days, he will ask you to find the Grimoire’s Second Volume. Follow the quest objective and to his sister and wife. Then, you can proceed to find the Grimoire’s Second Volume Dragon’s Dogma 2 Location.
Grimoire’s Second Volume Dragon’s Dogma 2 Location & Map
To find the Grimoire’s Second Volume, you need to go to Checkpost Rest Town, which is northwest of Bakbattahl in the Green Region. Here is the map location that shows exactly where you need to go from Bakbattahl.

Once you are in Checkpoint Rest Town, go to Ibrahim’s Scrap Store, which is highlighted in the map below.

Once you are at the store, go and interact with the vendor and check the list of items on sale. The item you are looking for is On The Transference of Souls 2. The book is on sale for 2000 G. Buy this book and return it to Isaac to complete the quest.