Lately, a lot of players of Final Fantasy XIV are getting the “ffxiv_dx11.exe” error and the game crashes. The complete error messages reads, “An unexpected error has occurred. Exiting FINAL FANTASY XIV. 2021-04-06_15:30.” Some elements of the error message may differ such as the date and time. However, the error is the same. The error message also lists a bunch of DLL and DirectX files with problem. The error has been mostly happening for returning players of the game or those who have modified the graphics card drivers in some ways. Here is how to fix the Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) DirectX Error.
How to Fix Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) DirectX Error
As with most errors in games, there are several likely cause for the error. If the crash with the DirectX error started happening suddenly, check that you have updated the graphics card diver and installed the latest Windows Update. If the DirectX on your computer is corrupted or outdated, it can lead to the error. Once you have ensured everything is up-to-date, attempt to launch the game. If Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) still crashes with DirectX error, here is another fix that’s known to resolve the issue.
Head over to your Documents and delete the configuration file of the game. The game will auto download it when you launch it. A problem with the config file could also be causing the issue. Go to Documents/My games/FFXIV/ffxiv.cfg.
Delete the ffxiv.cfg and attempt to launch the game. Note: If the game crashes again, you may have to repeat the deletion process every time you launch the game.
If you have recently updated the GPU driver and that’s when the issue started to happen, that new driver could be a problem and you should consider a roll-back. You can also uninstall the current driver and clean install a fresh copy. Finally, if none of the above solutions have helped, reinstalling the game is a known sure fix for the issue. So, go ahead and reinstall the game.