Fix Apex Legends Season 15 Crashing and Freezing After the Update

QM Staff
4 Min Read

The release of Season 15, Eclipse in Apex Legends brought with it a new map and a new legend. It also brought with itself more bugs and crashes, just like it does at the start of every season. We shall be talking about the bug which is causing players to crash mid-game. This issue has been troubling users ever since the beginning of this new season. Players seem to also be experiencing freeze frames in games.

What’s Causing Apex Legends Season 15 Crash

According to the Steam discussion threads, players are increasingly coming across game crashes as well as freeze frames. While some people come across a crash every couple of games, some experience it multiple times in a single match. Understandably, this can be really annoying for the people who just want to take in the sights of the Broken Moon map and enjoy playing as the new legend, Catalyst. Fortunately, the large number of people having this problem means that it is probably already on EA Support’s radar. It is nothing new for Apex Legends to be criticized over performance issues or server conditions by fans and haters alike. However, one should keep in mind that it is natural for the game to have bugs this early after the update. The update brought about a map and a legend, it is fair to give EA/Respawn some time to weed out the bugs.

Possible Fixes

We have compiled a few fixes and troubleshooting methods (for PlayStation users) in this guide to possibly help you resolve crashes and freezes in-game. Please note that these are unconfirmed, temporary issues and may not work for everyone. We tried to replicate the problem in our systems but failed to do so. The game is working as well as it should on the laptop I use so I could not personally confirm these fixes. 

Use DX12 to play the game

  • Go to your game library in the Origin, EA, or Steam apps.
  • Right-click the tile of Apex Legends and select Properties.
  • Go to Launch Options and add “-eac_launcher_settings SettingsDX12.json”.
  • Close the window and try to play the game.

Troubleshooting (PlayStation Only)

  • Check if you’re currently logged onto your PSN account.
  • Check if Apex Legend is up to date.
  • Restore the License from the console.
  • Access the NAT Type on your PS5.
  • Set a new DNS server (if you don’t have a preference, you can use Google’s public and addresses).
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That is all we have on this issue of Apex Legends Season 15 crashing and freezing after the update. You can rest easy knowing that if there is any update on this issue, we will be adding it to this article. Be sure to check again later. For more Apex Legends content, click on this link. Thank you for reading this article.

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  • yeah so do i, i was playing s14 very clean until the update s15 in 01/11, it was getting freeze suddenly overall the time while i’m in match

  • Freezing mid game. Didn’t have this issue until the new season dropped, it’s sad that i get penalties when im not even trying to leave the match.

    • yeah so do i, i was playing s14 very clean until the update s15 in 01/11, it was getting freeze suddenly overall the time while i’m in match

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