There is a lot more to DMQ The Dark Prince than just scouting monsters and engaging in battle. You can also find collectibles like mini medals and eggs that have a chance to spawn rare monsters. Eggs are scattered all across Nadiria, and they are super rare to find. But finding them is definitely worth the trouble, as you can unlock rare monsters that you otherwise cannot synthesize. In this guide we will see how to find eggs in DQM The Dark Prince.
Dragon Quest Monsters The Dark Prince – How to Find Eggs
Eggs are a type of rare treasure that you would have a chance encounter with while out exploring. Here we will see how to find eggs in DQM The Dark Prince.
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In DQM The Dark Prince, you will randomly come across Eggs that hold valuable and rare monsters. But the spawn of these eggs will be random each time. The only way you can find eggs is to comb the map repeatedly throughout the different seasons. If someone else has spotted an egg in a particular location, it won’t always be there when you go to have a look at your game. Hence why the spawning of eggs is very random and you will bump into them through luck. You can always reload the area and keep checking to find eggs.
There are 4 varieties of eggs that spawn monsters and various rarities. You can find the below egg types in the wild.
- White eggs
- Silver egg
- Golden egg
- Rainbow egg
That’s all there is to know about finding eggs in DQM The Dark Prince. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.