Blasphemous 2 Hidden Symbol Locations, Find Secret Marks, Blasphemous 2 Still Among Us Trophy/Achievement

QM Staff
4 Min Read

Blasphemous 2 is the next chapter in the previous game’s story and players will be awaiting the return of The Penitent One. The game was developed by The Game Kitchen and published by Team17. The game continues the story from the DLC called Wounds of Eventide. Players will have many things to do in the game like in the previous edition of the game. Players will be exploring and finding many new things or items but there are some hidden items. These hidden symbols are located in weird and difficult to get to places. In total 10 hidden symbols are located in various places and after finding them players will unlock an achievement called Still Among Us. This guide will show you all the 10 hidden Symbols’ locations and get the Trophy called Still Among Us in Blasphemous 2. 

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Where to find all the Hidden Symbols?

In order to find the 10 hidden symbols in the game, players need to follow these steps:

  1. Players first need to learn the chant called Chime of the Twisted One, which players can find in the Mother of Mothers section of the map (right of the teleporter)
  2. Then players can finally activate the hidden Symbols 
  3. The first symbols can be found in the City of the Blessed Name. After getting there, players need to go into the cathedral and jump up to the bell (use the Scions’ Protection skill). The symbol is on the bell. 
  1. For the second symbol, players can go to the Repose of the Silent One and then they will find the Symbol on the Coffin 
  1. For the third Symbol, players need to go to the Sea of Ink. then take a right towards the entrance to the Sunken Cathedral. They will find the symbols on one of the statues.
  2. For the fourth Symbol, players need to go to the Mother of Mothers section, then they will find the symbol on the tree by the Prie Dieu. 
  1. For the fifth symbol, Players need to go to the Elevated Temples and the symbol would be on one of the beds. 
  1. For the Sixth Symbol, players need to go to The Palace of the Embroideries and then go up from the boss chamber to find the symbol on the Cocoon. 
  1. For the Seventh Symbol, players need to go to Two Moons and then look for a long rectangular room (upside-room), then they need to break the mirror to find the symbol.
  1. For the Eight Symbol, players need to go to the Crown of Towers and the symbol is hidden near the elevator by the area’s entrance.
  1. For the Ninth Symbol, players need to go to the Aqueduct of the Costales and the symbol is located on one of the cracks in the pillar.
  1. For the tenth and last Symbol, players need to go to the Choir of Thorns and the symbol is located on the left of one of the blue mirrors.
  1. After finding and activating all the 10 hidden Symbols, players will get the Hidden Trophy and Achievement called Still Among Us. 

That’s all you need to know about all the 10 hidden Symbols’ locations and get the Trophy called Still Among Us in Blasphemous 2. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news about Blasphemous 2 and other games.

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