There are several strange characters you will encounter during your time at Baldur’s Gate 3. Some of them may help you with your quests, while others are harder to decipher their intentions. During your journey through the swamp south of Blighted Village, you will encounter an old lady called Auntie Ethel. If you follow her to Riverside Teahouse, she will offer to remove the parasite from your brain in return for one of your eyes. In this guide we will see if you should look at Ethel or not in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Should You Give Your Eye To Auntie Ethel
Sweet old Auntie Ethel offers to remove the parasite from your brain for a price. Here we will see if you should look at Auntie Ethel or not in Baldur’s Gate 3.
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In Riverside Teahouse, where Auntie Ethel resides, you will find another character with her. You can talk to a pregnant Mayrina and learn more about their circumstances. Ethel will sense the parasite inside you, and make you an offer. You can trade any of your eyes for her, and she will remove the parasite. She will tell you that she just wants to kiss the eye and give it back. She will also show you her powers when she teleports Mayrina away. So now you have two choices to make.
Give Auntie Ethel the Eye

If you give her your eye, regardless of which one you pick, you won’t get it back as promised. Also, Auntie Ethel will turn into an old hag and place a permanent debuff on you called Paid the Price. This will disable you from perception checks so that you can land critical hits. Furthermore, the parasite will still be inside you, since Ethel cannot remove the Netherese shadow magic around it. So you lose your eye, gain a debuff, and the parasite remains.
Deny Auntie Ethel the Eye
Auntie Ethel will not be phased by your decision, and she will tell you that her door is always open if you change your mind. Explore the Teahouse to discover something fishy. The fireplace is also a facade, and you can pass through it even if you fail the perception check. There are stairs that lead down to an unknown area. Find Auntie Ethel in her true form at the end of the area after further investigation. She will fight you, and at the end of the fight, you can spare or kill her. The consequences will be discussed in another guide.
That’s all there is to know about giving Auntie Ethel the eye or not in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.