AMD packs graphics processors with some of its chips. These chips are generally marked with a āGā at the end. The company calls these solutions Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). The SoCs running the latest generation consoles, the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X and Series S, are also powered by a custom made AMD APU. Some of the latest APUs that can be bought by DIY PC builders include the Ryzen 5 5600G and the Ryzen 7 5700G. The graphics processors found on these chips are called the Radeon RX Vega GPUs. AMD has several Vega GPUs in its arsenal. Let us find out more about them.
What are the AMD Vega Integrated Graphics?
The AMD Radeon Vega series has several models in the integrated lineup. These range from the low-end Vega 2 to the very capable Vega 11. The number following the Vega branding denotes the number of Compute Units (CUs) an SoC packs. The most common Vega solutions today include the Vega 6, the Vega 8 and the Vega 11 iGPs.
Are AMD Vega Graphics Good for Gaming?
The AMD Vega graphics solutions are the best integrated graphics processors on the market today. The Vega 8 and the Vega 11 are capable of playing the latest AAA titles at 1080p resolutions. Although you have to lower the quality to the lowest possible or the medium, the experience is quite acceptable for an integrated graphics processor.
Some of the best Ryzen processors with Vega graphics are the Ryzen 5 5600G, which packs the Vega 7 GPU. Check out its gaming performance in the video below.
Another great AMD APU is the Ryzen 7 5700G, which packs the Vega 8 graphics processor. It is more powerful compared to the 5600G. Check out its exact performance in games below.
Although a generation old, the Ryzen 5 3400G is an insane value-for-money APU. It packs the 11 CU Vega 11 GPU, making its powerful almost identical to the Ryzen 5 5600G and the Ryzen 7 5700G. Check out a comparitive study of these processors below.
APUs have become quite powerful over the years, and seeing this level of performance from an SoC is quite impressive. The Ryzen APUs with Vega graphics are a great solution for budget gamers. These APUs can run some competitive titles like Fortnite and Valorant at insanely high framerates, making them a very ideal solution. AMD has announced that the upcoming generation of APUs will be based on their RDNA architecture, which will make them much more powerful while being quite efficient. We are excited for the future of APUs!