Genshin Impact 3.2 update has arrived a few hours back, and players have already jumped into the game to find out the new content added. Genshin Impact has become one of the most popular action role-playing games with a stable fanbase. Its storyline and time-to-time update never let the players lose interest. Genshin Impact 3.2 update has brought lots of new content and Teachings of Ingenuity in one of them.
This guide will help you know how to get Teachings of Ingenuity in Genshin Impact.
Teachings of Ingenuity in Genshin Impact- Where to Get?
Like the newly introduced character Nahida, this 3.2 update has introduced a new talent upgrade material called Teachings of Ingenuity. Whenever new things are introduced, players become curious to explore that. Similarly, if you are curious to get Teachings of Ingenuity, you have to Challenge the Domain of Mastery: Witticism at Steeple of Ignorance Domain at Sumeru.
Domain of Mastery: Witticiam can’t be challenged randomly. Players can only challenge this Domain on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. Also, you need to be at Adventure Rank 27 to be qualified to challenge the Domain. The more level you are at, the more rewards you’ll get by challenging this Domain. However, players need to claim those rewards by spending 20 Resin. There are four Witticism levels- Wittcism I, Witticiam II, Witticism III, and Witticism IV.

Teachings of Ingenuity are similar to the other upgrade materials in the game- 3 Teachings of Ingenuity can craft a 1 Guide of Ingenuity. Next, if you craft 3 Guides of Ingenuity, you can use them to craft Philosophies of Ingenuity. Philosophies of Ingenuity is the highest tier you can level this material up. There is no further level to progress.
That’s the general way of getting Teachings of Ingenuity. However, that’s not the only way. Players can occasionally be bought Teachings of Ingenuity from Souvenir Shop or get them as rewards. Purchasing them doesn’t need effort. However, if you want to feel the thrill of getting this item, you should follow the first way and challenge the Domain of Mastery: Witticism at Steeple Ignorance.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Teachings of Ingenuity in Genshin Impact 3.2.
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