Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were released a few days back, and players have already grinded a lot through the game to get every possible item and Pokemon. Though this game is a Nintendo-exclusive game, it is one of the most anticipated titles of this year and has brought tons of items to discover throughout your journey. This guide will help you with the acquiring process of Lucky Egg in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
What is Lucky Egg in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? How to Get It?
Lucky Egg is one of the rare items in the game that players can’t randomly find. So, if you are curious to know about the Lucky Eggs in the game, let me tell you they are the lucky items that players can get only through a particular process, and holding this egg can increase players’ Exp Points.
Finding the Lucky Egg requires a process to follow, and it’s the same for all. First, defeat 5 Gym Leaders (minimum) throughout the Paldea region. The sequence you complete the task doesn’t matter, but you have to defeat 5 Gym Leaders to be eligible to get Lucky Eggs. Then, go to a Gym that’s remaining to be defeated. Of course, that can be any Gym. You’ll meet your Academy teacher-Jacq there, and during a conversation with him, he will hand you over the Lucky Egg.

That’s the only process to get the Lucky Egg in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, as much as we know. Unfortunately, we have found no alternative to this. Lucky Egg is a lucky item and a very rare thing. So, don’t drop it casually.
The description of the game says the Lucky Egg is filled with happiness and can give the holder extra Exp Points. So, if you want any of your Pokemon to level up faster and evolve, hand over the Lucky Egg to it, and it’ll level up faster.
That’s all you need to know about getting a Lucky Egg in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The process takes time, but when you finally get one, you must keep it with you to gain Exp Points when required.
Read Next: How to Unlock Flying in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, How to Beat Mela, the Fire Team Star Boss in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.