As a player in Victoria 3, you can control 100 different countries and change history. The game aims to make pops feel appreciated by aligning policies with their interests, which differ from country to country.
To rule your nation effectively in Victoria 3, it is important to understand how to increase Authority. The game provides players with 100 years of history during the Industrial Revolution to build their country’s reputation and influence. In order to become a world power, a high level of Authority is necessary. This guide will show how to increase Authority in Victoria 3, so your nation can thrive.
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How to increase Authority?
Authority is your ability to enact change in your country. It’s a powerful resource that can issue Decrees, impose Consumption Taxes, and either Suppress or Bolster certain Interest Groups. However, it’s important to remember that Authority is a balance, not a stockpile. You must maintain a positive balance of Authority otherwise, you will not be able to make more changes.
As the game progresses, players have the opportunity to increase their authority rating by implementing various laws. The type and extent of these laws vary from country to country, but they all offer some form of an increase in authority. In general, laws that offer greater liberties and freedoms to the population tend to lower your authority rating, while those that restrict freedoms tend to raise it. Ultimately, it is up to the player to decide which course of action to take in order to achieve their desired level of authority.

Laws Affecting Authority
Victoria 3 has several different laws that can affect your authority level. It’s important to be aware of these laws, as one of your main goals in playing the game will be to increase your authority as much as possible.
Laws affecting citizenship
- Ethnostate: +200 Authority
- National Supremacy: +200 Authority
- Racial Segregation: +100 Authority
- Cultural Exclusion: +50 Authority
Laws affecting the distribution of power
- Autocracy: +250 Authority
- Oligarchy: +200 Authority
- Landed Voting: +150 Authority
- Wealth Voting: +100 Authority
- Census Suffrage: +50 Authority
- Anarchy: -50% Authority
Laws affecting freedom of speech
- Outlawed Dissent: +200 Authority
- Censorship: +100 Authority
- Right of Assembly: +50 Authority
Laws affecting church and state
- State Religion: +200 Authority
- Freedom of Conscience: +100 Authority
Laws affecting trade policies
- Isolationism: +50% Authority
Laws affecting economy
- Command Economy: +25% Authority
You will find that your Authority increases by ten percent as you research certain technologies. These technologies include Mass Communication, Nationalism, Pan-nationalism, and Political Agitation.

This concludes our guide on how to increase authority in Victoria 3. For more information about this game, check out our other guides.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques 1. What is Authority?
Ans. Authority is your ability to enact change in your country.
Ques 2. How to increase authority rating?
Ans. Players have the opportunity to increase their authority rating by implementing various laws.
Ques 3. What kind of laws lower your authority ratings?
Ans. Laws that offer greater liberties and freedoms to the population tend to lower your authority rating.