Starfield Operation Starseed Facility Key Location

QM Staff
4 Min Read

One of the Starfield side missions, Operation Starseed, has no bearing on the storyline or the factions’ perception of you. But you must finish it in order to obtain Amelia Earhart as a new friend in addition to the new clothing, Credits, and XP. Additionally, players will be able to discover a fairly fascinating history of the people who formerly lived on a distant planet.

So, in order to begin Operation Starseed, you must travel to the Charybdis system’s Charybdis III planet. You will require a strong Grav Drive with an initial travel velocity of 22 Light Years because it is fairly far away. To start the side mission once you get on the planet, you have to arrive in the Crucible.

Steps to Complete before you can Find the Key to the Facility

Before you get started in acquiring the override key to the facility, you must complete the initial steps of the side quest in Starfield. The steps are listed below in a brief manner:

Speak to the Leaders

The leaders that you need to speak to in order to progress the mission are as follows:

  • Franklin Roosevelt
  • Queen Amanirenas
  • Genghis Khan

Locate the Facility

When you are done talking to the leaders, you have to go back to Franklin Roosevelt and acquire the location of the Facility. This is where the robots deployed from but it has broken down a long time ago. You must utilize your spacecraft to fly there in order to advance in the Operation Starseed quest in Starfield because it is virtually at the opposite end of the planet.

Where to find the Operation Starseed Facility Key?

Once you tell any of the leaders what you found out at the facility, you have to go to the datacore. To accomplish that, you need to find the facility key override codes and obtain them. To do this, speak with Ada Lovelace, who will provide a tip to the location of the Code. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will need to modify your spacecraft slightly because you will need to travel to some quite far-off systems in Starfield.

Your first stop will be the Bel System, where a Navigation Beacon will be located that will point you in the direction of the Beagle Ship. You need a good spacecraft because it is 27 light years away. Once within the system, port the Beagle and start searching for Code.

However, exercise caution because security measures await you inside. To finish the Operation Starseed mission in Starfield, locate the Code and head back to the Crucible.

That is all for today’s guide on Starfield Operation Starseed Facility Key location. Keep posted for more Starfield guides by clicking here. Check out more of our content and stay updated with our news section. Thank you for reading this article.

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