Besides running around and trying to complete the main campaign missions, you can also indulge in a few side activities. There are several quests and other side quests that will make the game more immersive. One of the side activities you can pick up is gardening, but before you can use your green thumbs, you need to unlock the necessary plots. In this guide we will see how to unlock the Flower Map and start gardening in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivors – How to Unlock Gardening
One of the side activities you can pick up is the gardening skill using the Flower Map. Here we will see how to unlock the Flower Map and start gardening in Star Wars Jedi: Survivors.
Read More: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – How To Unlock Green Barriers

Before you can start gardening, you need to progress through the main missions till you complete the Forest Array mission. After that, you will get notified that the garden is unlocked on the roof of Pyloon’s Saloon. Head over there, then go to the second floor to use the stairs and go up. To test your new plot, you need to acquire various seeds.
You can collect seeds while exploring Koboh, and they are called Koboh Seed Pods. They have little green bugs flying around them so they are hard to miss out in the wild. Once you have collected the seeds, go back to the plot and plant them. You can now sit back and relax, as your new plants will take some time to bloom.
How to Recruit the Gardener in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

For now, you only have one plot to use, and to unlock more you need to find and recruit Pili Walde first. Pili will act as your gardener and tend to your plants when you are not around. To find her, you need to progress through the Reaching the Pilgrim’s Sanctuary main mission in Jedha. She is located in Blustery Mesa, towards the end you will spot a cave on a plateau. Head over there and talk to her to recruit her to your garden.
Now that you have someone tending to your garden, you have to run around and find more plant samples. There are 10 samples to find, and each time you find new ones and plant them, you can get closer to unlocking a new plot. After planting four in a plot, you will unlock the next plot to use. This will also help you unlock the Flower Map, which are seed pods that will help disperse seeds around Koboh.
That’s all there is to know about unlocking gardening in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.