Resident Evil 4 has recently introduced its new DLC called Separate Ways in which players will have new islands to explore and resolve the issue. Players need to make their way to the Island’s control room so that they can reach the Comms Facility. There are many locked doors that players need to unlock in order to get to the Control room. These locked doors will have a keycard that requires a specific code and to find the code, players need to use their Ada’s I.R.I.S. vision to show the fingerprint on the keypad. This guide will show you all the Keypad Code Puzzles in Resident Evil 4 new DLC called Separate Ways.
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All Keypad Code Puzzles in Separate Ways![]()
There are many locked doors in the facility and players will need to unlock them to make progress. These locks have a Keypad so players need to enter the code. Players can open their Ada’s I.R.I.S. vision and see the fingerprint where the guards open the doors and find out the code.
Here are the codes for all the keypads in the new DLC called Separate Ways:
Note: the codes are different for different difficulties so enter the below codes for the difficulty players are playing on.
- First door
- Assisted, Standard, Hardcore: 148
- Professional: 116
- Second Door
- Assisted, Standard, Hardcore: 237
- Professional: 906
- Third Door
- Assisted, Standard, Hardcore: 430
- Professional: 769
As players can see above, there are 3 locked doors players need to unlock on their way to the control room and these doors will be in the Comms Facility. There are 4 difficulties but only the professional difficulty has its own code and all the others have the same code to unlock the door.
That’s all you need to know about all the Keypad Code Puzzles in Resident Evil 4 new DLC called Separate Ways. If you find this guide helpful, you can check our website for more such guides and news about Resident Evil 4 and various other games.
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