The Monster Hunter series by Capcom is very popular and has many successful games. Since its first release, the developers have presented players with excellent installments where players must travel to some isolated landmarks and fight monsters. Since you have to fight monsters from the beginning of the game, you must require weapons from the starting point. Though Elderseal is not a weapon, still players should know about these excellent items to make their journey smoother.
Elderseal Location in Monter Hunter World- How to Find?
Elderseal is an attribute added to the game that is one of the finest things used against the Elder Dragons. Once you attach Elderseal to a weapon, it will help you prevent certain monsters from using their special aura abilities. Furthermore, you can seal their rage with the help of this weapon. This list includes all the Elder Dragons, along with some other monsters like Kirin, Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Vaal Hazak.

After you get to know the effects of the Elderseal, naturally you will want to have your weapons have it. In that case, the first thing you should know is that certain weapons come with Elderseals. These weapons have three levels- low, medium and high. The higher the Elderseal, the more effective it will be against the Elder Dragons and other enemies. Additionally, you can use Dragonseal Earrings to boost the power of the Elderseal. But it only works on the weapons that have the Elderseal attached from the beginning.
Another source to get Elderseal is Dragon Pods. This item is a rare one that the Elder Dragons often drop. Players can use them to inflict Elderseal damage and dispel those pesky auras. Finally, players can craft Elderseal weapons but that’s expensive. Players must collect huge cash to give it a try. So, we recommend farming money in special events to give the process a boost. But that will take time for sure.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Elderseal in Monster Hunter World. It may take some time to get Elderseal, but keep an on for the above-mentioned things so, you can have at least one weapon with an Elderseal.