The missions in Modern Warfare 3 offer plenty of lootable items, and if you are trying to bag some trophies then you would need to find everything within a mission. In Precious Cargo, there are several hiding spots where you can easily miss weapon crates and equipment, so we have put together this guide to show you where to find everything within the mission. In this guide we will see where to locate all weapons, field upgrades, armaments, and armor plate upgrades in MW3 Precious Cargo.
Modern Warfare 3 Precious Cargo – All Weapon Supply Crates, Field Upgrades, Armaments, and Armor Plate Upgrade Locations
Here we will cover how to find all weapons, field upgrades, armaments, and plate carrier locations across the Precious Cargo mission in Modern Warfare 3.
Read More:
- Modern Warfare 3 Reactor – All Weapons, Field Upgrades, Equipment, and Armor Upgrade Locations
- Modern Warfare 3 Oligarch – All Weapons, Field Upgrades, Items, and Armor Upgrade Locations
- Modern Warfare 3 Gora Dam – All Equipment, Field Upgrade, and Armor Upgrade Locations
Precious Cargo Weapon Supply Crate Locations

When you load the map and exp;lore more of the area, you will find several icons that look like a yellow box with a question mark symbol. You have to find and unlock them to get weapons. There are 17 weapons you can find within Precious Cargo, and we have listed them all below along with the coordinates
- D7 – Silenced Expedite 12
- E7 – PILA
- E7 – 556 Icarus
- G7 – RPK
- G7 – Pulemyot 762
- G7 -Explosive Victus XMR
- I5 – Silenced ISO Hemlok
- D6 – Silenced WSP Swarm
- D6 – MTZ-556
- E5 – Silenced Rival-9
- D4 – Bas-B
- C4 – GS Magna
- F4 – Hybrid STB-556
- G4 – Signal 50
- G3 – KVD Enforcer
- F2 – RGL-80
- F2 – Incendiary Bryson 800
Precious Cargo Field Upgrade Locations

There are four field upgrades marked on the map. We have also listed them below with coordinates.
- E7 – Snapshot Pulse
- D6 – Recon Drone
- D7 – Heartbeat Sensor
- H7 – Munitions Box
Precious Cargo Armament Locations

There are two Precious Cargo Plate Carrier Upgrades and one Ascender to find. The Ascender is marked in green. The two plate carriers are not found on the same levels. One can be spotted in floor 1 and will be marked in red, while the one in floor 3 will be marked in white with an orange outline.