You may be a bit lost while trying to make your way through the regions in V Rising. In this guide, we will take a look at V Rising’s map and an in-depth overview of each region in the game.
Map Overview for V Rising – All Regions and Items
When you start playing V Rising for the first time, you would be wandering through Farbane Woods. If you wish to know what is beyond that and explore the whole of Vardoran, then this guide will help you.
Read More: How to Build a Castle and its Use in V Rising

There are 7 regions that you can unlock in V Rising – Farbane Woods, Cursed Forest, Silverlight Hills, Dunley Farmlands, Hallowed Mountains, Gloomrot, and Ruins of Mortium. You will start at Farbane Woods and work your way north to unlock all other regions. Along the way, you will also find unique resources, caves, secret locations, and bosses to take down. The further you go, the more difficult your journey will become.
South – Farbane Woods
This is the region where you will start, and it will give you the perfect opportunity to learn more about the gameplay. You will have plenty of opportunities to farm for Bones, Paper, Copper Ore, Whetstones, Coarse Thread, and Animal Hide here, giving you plenty of materials for crafting and building your castle. You will also encounter various types of enemies, from the wildlife around you to bandits. But you won’t have to worry much about running away from Sunlight in Farbane Woods, as the trees supply ample Shadows to take cover in if you find yourself stuck outside during the day.
Center– Dunley Farmlands
You will encounter your first human settlement here in Dunley Farmlands, and along with it your first taste for Human Blood. Dunley Farmlands is also famous for its large iron mine, and also for other resources like Quartz, Sunflowers, Cloth, and Wool Thread. You will find plenty of crafting materials by invading Blacksmiths and Workshops. You will have to be wary of the militiamen patrolling the lands, especially near the mines if you are trying to farm for Iron Ore. Dunley Farmlands is also the place where you can get your first horse mount to use.
Northeast – Cursed Forest
This is where things get tougher. The Cursed Forest can be found past Dunley Farmlands, to the north side, but it is not the safest place to be wandering around. You will be able to farm Spectral Dust, Ghost Yarn, Ghost Shrooms, and Ghost Crystals here, but you will also encounter zombie corpses and witches on your way to get them. You should try to level up your gear before you set foot here.
West – Silverlight Hills
Like a breath of fresh air, Silverlight Hills is a sight to take in. this region is home to Brighthaven, the largest city in the game. You will be able to farm Silver Ore in abundance, as well as Gem Dust, Imperial Thread, and Highland Lotus. Silver Ore is required for weapon upgrades, making them more powerful to take down bosses, but in the process, you will lose a lot of health while carrying Silver on you. If you are planning on getting your hands on Silver Ore, you should come prepared with plenty of healing potions. You will also be able to meet the end game boss, Solarus, in Silverlight Hill’s Fortress of Light, who you can defeat at a later time.
East – Hallowed Mountains
This is a late-game area that will be unlocked once you have completed all the other regions. In Hallowed Mountains, you can test your skills against various bosses and earn XP to power up. There are two main bosses to look out for, mainly the Terrorclaw the Ogre (level 68) and Frostmaw the Mountain Terror (level 56)
North – Gloomrot North and Gloomrot South
This new region is quite unlike the others. You will unlock new technologies and fight new bosses such as Ziva the Engineer (level 60), Henry Blackbrew, The Doctor (level 74), and Adam the First Born (level 83). There are new resources to find and new crafting blueprints to get.
Far East – Ruins of Mortium
If you explore further east in Hollowed Mountain, you fill find a new area filled with vampiric cultist enemies. Explore this region to unlock a new blood type, fight new enemies, and unlock new crafting materials. You will also encounter the ultimate boss at the end of the area, Dracula the Immortal King (level 90)
These are all the regions currently available to explore in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well.