Besides sucking the blood from your enemies to gather various blood types, you can also shapeshift into various beings and use their attributes to your liking. In the latest version of the game, you can now unlock spider form and use the spider ability to get away from attacking enemies. In this guide we will see how to unlock spider form in V Rising
How to Unlock Spider Form V Rising 1.0
Spider form is the latest transformation you can use to get away. Here we will see how to unlock spider form in V Rising
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Like most transformations in V Rising, the only way you can unlock them is by defeating the respective boss. To unlock spider form, you have to defeat the only spider boss in the game. You have to locate and defeat Ungora the Spider Queen. If you haven’t encountered her yet, she is a level 63 boss found within Spider Cave in the Cursed Forest. You can check out our guides on where to find Ungora and how to beat Ungora in V Rising
Once you have the form unlocked, you can transform into a small spider and use certain abilities. With the spider form, you can use the Burrow feature to drop down into tiny holes in the ground. This will help you evade any incoming enemies, and will also help you avoid sunlight. The only drawback to using Burrow is that you can’t move, so you would have to get out of the hole to move around.
That’s all there is to know about unlocking Spider Form in V Rising. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides as well