As Modern Warfare 2 is already out, it includes new maps, game modes, and exclusive features like Killstreaks and Field Upgrades, as well as extending the campaign mode.
Modern Warfare 2 requires you to complete certain challenges to unlock the various camos. The player must unlock all base camo types before unlocking gold, platinum, or Orion camos; this requires completing the required kills with each weapon type.
In this guide, we’ll see how to unlock the gold Lockwood MK2 in Modern Warfare 2.
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How to Unlock Gold Lockwood MK2?
To unlock the Lockwood MK2 Marksman Rifle, you must reach level 28 in your military rank. To find the best loadout for this rifle, refer to our guide: Best Attachment Loadout for Lockwood MK2 in Modern Warfare 2
To unlock the gold camo for the Lockwood MK2 in Modern Warfare 2, you will first need to unlock challenges by reaching a certain level with this weapon. Upon completion of these challenges, you will be able to unlock the gold camo for your weapon. Weapons with attachments have four base camo options to earn, whereas weapons without attachments have only one base camo option.
Here are the challenges you need to complete to unlock Lockwood MK2 gold camo:
- Sand Viper Base Camo at Level 2: Get 50 Kills with Lockwood MK2
- Desert Rain Base Camo at Level 11: Get 15 Kills from behind with Lockwood MK2
- Wild Zebra Base Camo at Level 19: Get 25 One-Shot Kills with Lockwood MK2
- Granite Base Camo at Level 28: Get 10 Point Blank Kills with Lockwood MK2

Now to unlock the Gold Camo for Lockwood MK2, you will have to achieve 3 kills without dying, 10 times.
The Lockwood MK2 loadout is best suited to slow game types like Search and Destroy or kill-based objective modes such as Team Deathmatch or Kill Confirmed. Attachments for this build make your Marksman Rifle more deadly at long distances by increasing ADS speed and bullet velocity.
This concludes our guide on how to unlock gold Lockwood MK2 in Modern Warfare 2. Also, check our other guides for more updates on the game.